The recent panic among our north-eastern brethren that led them to flee their educational institutions and work place is really unfortunate. But, what is satisfying is that despite all this pandemonium, calm prevails across the length and breadth of our country. It is commendable that ordinary Indians didn’t bite the bait of the people with evil design. And it is praiseworthy that our politicians cutting across party lines showed a genuine concern and have directed the administration for taking immediate action for safety and security of the citizens and to nab the rumour mongers. It is heartwarming to see that police administration and our politicians are serious and are really working on it.
It is learnt from the news reports that are pouring in that the bulk messages and the doctored photographs and videos posted on various social networks have its origins in Pakistan! Alas, the incorrigibles, once again!
While the investigations will shortly throw light on all the aspects of this unfortunate episode, it is high time for all of us to contact our north-east citizens whom we know and who fled their workplace and educational institutions to their homes fearing for their lives. Employers of such citizens must make efforts to contact them to call them back and assure them that all is well! Similarly, the educational institutions should ask their students to call up their friends in the north-east to join them as it was just a rumour. More the delay, problems will get compounded for all the employees, the students the employers and the institutes. Earlier, the better.
And yes, this rumour-gate has proved once again that India is one! We are one! Always, come whatever.
Entire India celebrated the victory of Mary Kom. Because, she is one amongst us.