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Monday, July 27, 2015

Kalaam – Tujhe Salaam!

 APJ Abdul Kalaam – the missile man – is no more! The man who had been inspiring the youth of India – has left like a true warrior – teaching and inspiring the youth till his last breath today at at IIM, Shilong (on 27th July 2015).

I got the opportunity to see him in person and listen to him at Bengaluru (may see my earlier blog-post - In the company of Abdul kalaam and Narayan Murthy ). Prior to that, I knew him as Ex-President of India, a genuine scientist and a successful writer. Attending his lecture made me aware that he was also an excellent manager and an outstanding leader. But, what really impressed me was his humbleness and down to earth attitude, despite having proved his worth in so many fields.

What I could see on that day that, each and every individual present had genuine respect for him- and I could see it by spontaneous standing ovation he got upon his entry in the hall. I could feel the energy and warmth that his presence had generated! Each and every word that he said, every time he smiled, every gesture he made – were all so meaningful and apt for the audience- that like me entire audience was full of appreciation, and in awe of this gentleman!

I can’t claim to have met or even attended to the lectures of many of the luminaries; but, I know for sure that of all the leaders ( in any field ) that our generation has seen or heard, APJ Abdul Kalaam stands out – as the most simple leader! I know, many would agree to my view point.

Purpose of my this blog is to pay homage to the great man – who despite his advanced age – kept on visiting one educational institute to other – inspiring the kids and youth – with big dreams for India! He must have touched so many lives and ignited so many minds  – with his simple ideas and beatific smile! May his dream come true.

He started his life as a poor child with no means and rose to be the First Citizen of India – his life is a great lesson for all of us – he has demonstrated the power that ‘an ordinary Inidan’ possesses! APJ – you were a true Indian – I salute you and your inspiring life!

In the honour of APJ Abdul Kalaam, I had written a poem titled ‘Kalaam, Tujhe Salaam’, way back on 14th September, 2003! Today, I would like to share with you all  : 

कलाम तुझे सलाम

रामेश्वरम के तट पर
लहरों को गिनना,
सुनहरे रेत पर
नंगे पाँव उछलना,
मन की उमंगो को
सागर की लहरों सा रूप दे,
नभ को छूने को मचलना
ऐसे ही अनेक सपने संजाये,
दूर चमकते तारों को निहारना
यही तो हर बच्चे का बचपन होता है,
सब का एक सपना होता है।

पर सपने भी कभी सच होते हैं?
हाँ, सपने ही तो सच होते हैं.
पर तब,जब सपने अपने होते हैं
तब,जब हम सपनो को जीते हैं
तब,जब हम उनकी उपासना करते हैं।

रामेश्वरम के उस गाँव में
उस नन्हे बालक अब्दुल ने भी तो
सपने देखे थे-
नभ को छूने का!

उसने उस सपने को
देखा ही नहीं, जीया है
उसके एक सपने ने
हम सबको,
आत्मविश्वास दिया है
-‘अग्नि’ के रुप में।

‘अग्नि’ नभ को छूता हुआ
मात्र आग का गोला ही नहीं
‘अग्नि’ युध्द का
असाधरण अस्त्र ही नहीं
यह तो वह आग है
जिसे अब्दुल के ‘अग्नि’ ने
हर भारतीय के मन में
एक नई आशा का दीपक प्रज्ज्वलित किया है
जिसने हर भारतीय बच्चे को दिया है – अग्नि पंख
नए सपनों के साथ उड़ान भरने के लिए।

आज के इन जटिल हालात में भी
कितने सरल हो तुम, कितने सहज, कितने बुद्धिमान
तुझ एक के लगन से बढ़ा भारत का मान-सम्मान
कमाल के हो तुम, सचमुच हो माटी के लाल
तहे दिल से कलाम, हम सबका तुझे  सलाम।

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Super PM and the Super CM

While 2014 saw the rise of Narendra Modi as a super PM of India, 2015 saw the rise of Arvind Kejriwal as super CM of Delhi, the capital state of India. Now, both are in Delhi and the country has very high expectations from both of them.

With powerful leadership at the helm of affairs, the political scenario is going to be different than yesteryears – the age of coalition government – when every decision had to be considered carefully, considering the support of allies. Keeping them in good humour used to be priority of the government, rather than the real business. Those days are gone with stable government at the Centre and in Delhi.

It was good to hear from Kejriwal, when he cautioned his MLAs, their family members and the AAP volunteers – not to be arrogant! I think this one caution, if AAP keeps reminding itself throughout its term, would help the government to achieve the goals it set for itself – and on the basis of which it won confidence of Delhites and absolute majority in the House. Similarly, at the Centre, Modi government too would need to take every step to fulfil the dreams of the common man that gave its mandate for overall growth and development of the nation. For both the leaders, the days of showcasing their oratory skills are over. Both must now devote time and energy, their organizational skills in translating their visions into reality. People have given them their mandate, exhibited their confidence in them – now the PM and the CM need to work tirelessly to fulfil their promises.

While Arvind Kejriwal is new to politics, his bouncing back with 67 seats out of the possible 70 seats – after being tagged as ‘Bhagoda’, proves that he has the capability and will to perform as a leader. I sincerely hope and wish that his sincerity and anti-corruption stand is practiced by all his MLAs – these qualities alone would do wonders for the common man.

Everyone is aware of the performance of Narendra Modi as CM of Gujarat. But, managing a State is different than managing a country like India. Nevertheless, let’s hope and wish that he and his team would leave no stone unturned in bringing prosperity in the lives of ordinary Indians.

With onus of taking India and Delhi to a higher level, with commitment to work for the people, I wish that Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal should work hand in hand at forums – that need constructive contribution from both of them. If it happens, both would set example for others to emulate, in the larger interest of the people.

All said, the greatest onus is on us – the ordinary Indians. While the two leaders are working upon their ideas to translate them into reality – they can’t be successful unless we support them. We need to be sincere to our work, to our organizations, to our families, to our society, to our state and to our nation.

We all want a corruption-free government, garbage free surroundings, crime free society, pollution free environment, and what not! But, let us ask ourselves – are we doing our duty? Onus is on us, let’s do what we must. Let's not shy away from our responsibilities.