I had
thought of writing on Khaadya Suraksha Bill on the very day it was passed in
the parliament, but I didn’t. The idea of food security is really appreciable,
but its success can be assured only and only if everyone in this food chain is
dry honest!
day bill was passed, I thought of writing down my reaction. I just wrote the
title– ‘Khaadya Suraksha Bill – 2013 – a boon for the poor or the middlemen!’
and thinking that I shouldn’t be judgemental – I gave up the idea of writing
anything against – such a well intended bill. I prayed silently for its success
and for our poor countrymen who could finally dream with their belly full.
The very first thing that had come to my mind that
day was – who would benefit the most as a result of this food security bill –
the poor or the middle men? I was convinced – the intermediaries would benefit –
as the middlemen always flourish!
shocking revelation made by one of the news channel on 15/10/2013 about
siphoning off of wheat grains, meant for PDS, from FCI godowns to the black
market in Delhi startled me – for the simple fact that it hardly took a few
months to prove my apprehensions right! Really sad and a matter of great
low price of even Rupees 2/- a kg might prove to be a great boon for majority
of the poor, but at the same time it is also a very good business proposition
for anyone in this food chain who can lay hand on it with intention of minting
money. And there is big money! If one could sell it even at Rs. 10/- a kg,
there is clean profit margin of 400%!! Cool money can be made out of the empty
food grains meant for filling the empty bellies of the poor has already started
finding route to the well established flour mills engaged in the business
of packaged flour. Many more strings
might be attached to it. Are we in for a second ‘fodder scam’? This time scam
in food for human, for a change!
so much of money involved in it and with millions of hungry poor to feed, the
government needs to put a foolproof system in place to make the Food Security
Bill effective in real sense. Else, apart from the middlemen and businessmen
involved in it, even political parties might use it as a potential source for
party funding!
knows the real intentions of the benefactors behind the pain of the hungry